
OffmarketHomes Application

OffmarketHomes was an application entirely developed in WiseJ.NET, Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft SQL Server. Some of the features include validating the input fields ‘on the fly’ so that you are not left with a list of errors when you go to save your input screen.

There are two separate websites for home sellers and for home buyers. You can go to them from here and see the quality of the application.

To make it easy to try out follow these instructions:

The seller’s website

is meant for sellers to post details about their property for sale without any further help from the realtor (except the realtor may compose the summary for the property on the summary page).
The buyer’s website  is meant for home buyers looking for a new home – you can logon to it using my login
Password:    Homebush2021!
You have to press tab a number of times on each screen to take you to the next field to be entered. All the fields are validated ‘on the fly’ so you don’t have a lot of errors to clean up with when you finally press the save button. (a disadvantage with many websites). 
On the Details screen the address entered looks up from all addresses from Google and autocompletes if you click on the desired address on the dropdown.
Hit the “Save” and “Homebillboard” buttons at the end to move onto the next screens.  In the Homebillboard screen leave all the filters empty and just click the “retrieve properties” and then click on the one house “For Sale Id” number on the grid. If you are interested in the property, put your mobile phone number in the “Interested” section and go to the next screen and it should send you a text message. The mobile number will automatically be that of the seller and the buyer can say something like “Interested in F1000045 at maximum of 1.2 million” and make his interest known instantly.